What’s The Correct Chair Height After Hip Replacement?

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When undergoing hip replacement surgery, one of the many questions patients have is what the correct chair height should be. This is because surgeons usually want their patients to keep their hips as flexed as possible after surgery, and a seat that is too low or high can make this difficult.

In this blog post, we’ll explore what the correct chair height after hip replacement surgery is as well as provide some tips on how to find it.

Height Of Chair After Hip Replacement

The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) recommends that patients keep their hips at a range of 30-60 degrees after surgery. This means that the ideal chair height for hip replacement patients would be somewhere between 17 and 19 inches.

However, it is important to note that each patient is different and so the exact chair height that is ideal for one person may not be perfect for another. It is important to speak with your surgeon about what they recommend for you specifically.

Tips for finding the correct chair height after hip replacement surgery

Here are a few tips that may help you find the ideal chair height after hip replacement surgery:

1. Talk to your surgeon

As we mentioned above, each patient is different and so it is important to speak with your surgeon about what they recommend for you specifically. They will likely have a good idea of what range of heights will work best for you based on your case.

2. Try out different heights

Once you have a general idea of the range of heights that will work for you, it may be helpful to try out a few different options to see what feels most comfortable. You can do this by using books or other objects of different heights to prop up your legs while sitting in a chair.

3. Use a tape measure

Once you find a height that seems to work well for you, use a tape measure to make sure that it is the correct height. This will help you to avoid any guessing or estimation when it comes time to buy a new chair.

We hope that this blog post has helped answer some of your questions about the correct chair height after hip replacement surgery.

5 Tips for Sitting Comfortably in a Chair After Hip Replacement Surgery?

In addition to finding the correct chair height, there are a few other things you can do to make sure you are sitting comfortably in a chair after hip replacement surgery. Here are a few tips:

1. Use a pillow

Placing a pillow behind your back can help you to sit up straighter and take some of the pressure off of your new hip joint.

2. Avoid crossing your legs

Crossing your legs can put unnecessary stress on your new hip joint. Instead, try placing your feet flat on the floor or using a footrest if needed.

3. Get up and move often

It is important to get up and move around often after hip replacement surgery. This helps to keep your muscles from getting too stiff and puts less pressure on your new hip joint.

4. Use ice

If you start to feel pain in your new hip joint, applying ice can help to reduce inflammation and discomfort.

5. Avoid sitting for long periods

Sitting for long periods can put unnecessary stress on your new hip joint. Try to get up and move around every 30 minutes or so to give your hip a break.

We hope these tips are helpful in making sure you are sitting comfortably after hip replacement surgery!

Do I need a special chair after hip replacement surgery?

Yes, there are a few companies that make chairs specifically designed for people who have had hip replacement surgery.

These chairs typically have a higher seat and back to provide support and help you sit up straighter. They may also have features such as armrests and built-in footrests to make sitting more comfortable.

While there are chairs specifically designed for people who have had hip replacement surgery, whether or not you need one of these chairs depends on your individual situation.

If you have any questions or concerns, we recommend speaking with your surgeon or physical therapist for specific recommendations.

In general, however, most people will do just fine with a regular chair that has a few adjustments made to it. For example, you may want to use a pillow to support your back or place a footrest under your feet to help you maintain good alignment.

We hope this information is helpful in your search for the perfect chair after hip replacement surgery!

When can I sit on a low chair after hip replacement?

This is a great question! The answer will vary depending on your individual situation. In general, however, most people will be able to sit on a low chair within a few weeks after surgery.

How high is a hip chair?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the height of a hip chair will vary depending on the individual. However, in general, most hip chairs will have a higher seat and back to provide support and help you sit up straighter.

Can you sit in a chair after hip replacement?

Yes, you can sit in a chair after hip replacement surgery! However, it is important to make sure that you are sitting in a comfortable and supportive position.

Additionally, you may want to use a pillow to support your back or place a footrest under your feet to help you maintain good alignment.


In conclusion, the correct chair height after hip replacement surgery is determined by several factors, including the patient’s height and weight. A good rule of thumb to follow is to adjust the chair height so that the patient’s feet are flat on the ground and their thighs are parallel to the ground.

If you have any questions about what chair height is best for you or someone you know who has recently undergone hip replacement surgery, be sure to speak with a healthcare professional.

 Be sure to consult with your doctor or physical therapist to get their professional opinion on what the best height for you is. We hope that you found this information helpful and informative! Thank you for reading!

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